
30 June: looks pink not lavender, captivating color, colors not as nice as Violet 09, nice uniform group, even flowering, bees prefer Violet 09.

15 July: still fantastic looking, pink not lavender, very attractive color, flowers turn brown with age, very uniform, great color variation, uniform, nice, weird but fabulous plant, love it.

30 July: recently deadheaded, better than Violet 09 but still half dead, no sign of new growth, nice contrast of pink and white.

15 Aug: no new flowers since deadheading, few flowers, was nice before, declining but healthier than Violet 09, poor.

30 Aug: lots of new foliage growth, rebloomed nicely after deadheading, nice second flush, most plants poor, coming back a bit, foliage yellow, lovely flowers but plant performance poor.

15 Sept: new buds forming, coming back, yellowing foliage.